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Fun Facts About Tooth Brushing for Kids

The fundamentals of brushing effectively for infants and young children is up to you. Your children cannot take care of their teeth, so you must do it for them. From the moment their first tooth grows in and every day until they are old enough to accomplish the task themselves, you must be there to...


Can Pacifiers Affect Your Child’s Oral Health?

Do you ever wonder whether you should give your child a pacifier when they cry? While you may have heard that giving your child a pacifier can be dangerous or harmless, would you be surprised to learn that both can be true? You see, while your child is younger, there isn’t anything wrong with your...


Thumb Sucking: Does it Affect Teeth?

As you may know, your child could suck their thumbs for a number of reasons. In fact, most children suck their thumbs to comfort themselves when they’re upset, or when they are trying to fall asleep. However, do you know what thumb sucking can do to your child’s oral health? Thumb sucking can actually damage...


How to Know When to Pull Your Child’s Tooth

As you know, most parents don’t want to see their child in pain. In fact, many parents struggle to see their kids in any pain at all, regardless of how uncomfortable they are. Similarly, most parents wouldn’t intentionally do anything detrimental to their child’s health. With that in mind, what would you do if your...


What Causes Your Child To Grind Their Teeth?

Have you heard your child grinding their teeth while they sleep? This condition is called bruxism, and it is actually very common in children. In fact, about a third of children experience bruxism, starting when they are five-years-old until they grow out of it when they are about ten. Some common causes of bruxism include:...


6 Tooth Disposal Traditions From Around The World

Here in the U.S., the tooth fairy is the one children believe to collect their teeth from under pillows at night, leaving gifts in their place. But this adorable figure looks very different elsewhere. Learn about 6 tooth disposal traditions from around the world, some past and some present. I Smell A Rat: The tooth...