Does your child have a loose baby tooth? If so, you’re likely wondering how to pull it out of the mouth. Well, our dentists are happy to give you the information and tips you need to successfully pull the tooth without causing a traumatic experience for your child. It’s best to keep the situation as...
Tag: baby teeth
Expectations for a Child’s Exam
We hope that all of your visits to our office are peaceful and exciting, for you and for your children. We recognize that a few children have an irrational fear of the dentist’s office, and we do all that we can to make their visits peaceful, starting when they are very young. Here are some...
Let the Tooth Fairy Inspire Your Child’s Healthy Smile Goals
Parents everywhere have long welcomed helpers to motivate our children, not to mention making parenting fun. Even mythological helpers can help make the job of parenting more festive and in the case of the Tooth Fair, productive. In fact, the Tooth Fairly has been putting smiles on children’s faces for decades, along with Santa and...
How to Know When to Pull Your Child’s Tooth
As you know, most parents don’t want to see their child in pain. In fact, many parents struggle to see their kids in any pain at all, regardless of how uncomfortable they are. Similarly, most parents wouldn’t intentionally do anything detrimental to their child’s health. With that in mind, what would you do if your...
What to Do When Your Baby Is Teething
Effective oral care begins early, even before your baby’s first tooth erupts. Caring for your baby’s gums is vital to her health. Cleaning your baby’s gums can prevent problems as her teeth emerge. A baby’s tooth buds start to form while mom is in her second trimester. When the roots form they force crown upward....
Prevent Dental Anxiety in Your Children
Many people suffer from dental anxiety. It’s normal for people to feel uncomfortable when they do not have much experience in a dental office. However, this anxiety does not have to spread to your children. It’s normal for you to want your children to grow up without fears and anxiety, especially if you share them....
Understanding Baby Teeth
Most babies are born with teeth that have yet to emerge from the gum tissue. Over the course of the first two to three years 20 teeth erupt from the gums. These primary teeth, sometimes called baby teeth, are lost over time as our mouth grows. By age 18 most people will have all their...
6 Tooth Disposal Traditions From Around The World
Here in the U.S., the tooth fairy is the one children believe to collect their teeth from under pillows at night, leaving gifts in their place. But this adorable figure looks very different elsewhere. Learn about 6 tooth disposal traditions from around the world, some past and some present. I Smell A Rat: The tooth...