Pediatric Crowns
If your child has experienced a significant amount of decay or damage to a tooth, our pediatric dentists may suggest a pediatric crown. Pediatric crowns are specialized dental crowns made specifically for children’s teeth. Shaped like teeth, they fit completely over the tooth and are cemented into place. Unlike dental crowns used for adults, which are meant to act as a permanent restoration of the tooth, the goal of a pediatric crown is to protect the child’s tooth and restore function until the permanent tooth grows in.
Generally, pediatric crowns are made of stainless steel, which is affordable and more fitting for a tooth that will fall out. Little tooth preparation is needed with stainless steel crowns, making it a more gentle and efficient experience for your child. You will also spend less time in our dental office with pediatric crowns. Our pediatric dentist at Romney Pediatric Dental, Dr.Romney, is committed to helping restore the size, strength, and function of your child’s teeth. For more information on how to schedule your appointment and how pediatric crowns in Salt Lake City, Utah, can improve your child’s smile, please contact our dental office today. We are excited to serve your family with great care and skill!